These two penguins were hitching a lift on top of a small bit of ice. It is estimated that there is about 16 million of Chinstrap Penguins in the world. They are considered to be the most aggressive species of the penguin.
As we were getting closer and closer to Antarctica, Snow Petrels became more common sight. Snow Petrels are one of only three types of birds that have been at the South Pole.
Emperor Penguin is the tallest and heaviest of all penguin species. When hunting, they can stay submerged for 18 minutes and dive to a depth of over 500 metres.
A small group of Emperor Penguins are standing on the sea ice. In the distance the edge of Brunt Ice Shelf is visible.
While they can walk awkwardly, whenever they want to move faster, Emperor Penguins will drop on their bellies and slide on the ice using their legs for propulsion.
We abseiled about a kilometre away from the colony. By the time we got there, a small number of Emperors came over to see what's happening.
A few more adventurous penguins move away from their colony to explore the surrounding and check out the strange colourful creatures that arrived from the ice shelf above