After several days of poor weather, this afternoon had been very clear and beautiful. The outside temperature is -26°C, which with the 5 knot southerly wind gives -34°C wind chill.
In the picture is the sunset visible from the roof of the H2 Module, which is where the Met Observation Deck is. Several metorological instruments are visible mounted on the roof, including the Sun Photometer (measuring the duration and the amount of sunshine), the Biralvis (measuring the visibility in the air), anemometers (measuring wind speed and direction), saoz (measuring ozone levels), cloud base recorder (measuring the height and type of the cloud directly above), as well as an array of antennas for GPS measurements and to provide connectivity remote GPS monitoring stations which measure the movement of the ice shelf.
This image is orientated with the west direction on the top, north to the right (with all remaining Halley modules stretching in that direction), east on the bottom and south to the left.