Skidoo travel - Michal Krzysztofowicz Photography

Michal Krzysztofowicz Photography

Skidoo travel


Traveling on the Ice Shelf using Skidoos is the only way we can cover the distance in an unknown and unmarked terrain. Each time a party leaves the base, there are a minimum of two people, each having their own dedicated Skidoo. In addition they carry a single or more Nansen sledges with camping equipment, food, fuel and emergency kit. When in an unknown, unmarked terrain we use what we call linked travel, which means each Skidoo is attached with a 30-m long rope to the slede or a Skidoo in front, with the exception of the front most Skidoo. This way should any of the Skidoos go over a crevasse and fall in, the other Skidoo(s) can act like anchors and arrest the fall. Pictured above, our field guide Mat is driving his Skidoo towards the base perimeter, getting ready to leave for a field trip with others (who are outside of the frame).